Useful links

Some useful links I found on the world wide web.


  • Intuitive blog on the basics of ultrasound beamforming: [link]
  • Practical cardiac ultrasound overview: [link]

Diffusion models

  • Pretty much any post from Sander Dieleman on the topic: [link]
  • Yang Song blog: [link]
  • Yang Song notebook: [link]
  • Lil’Log blog: [link]
  • Jakub M. Tomczak: [link]
  • Stable Diffusion blog (text -> image): [link]
  • AI Pub short thread: [link]
  • Probabilistic Machine Learning: Advanced Topics book: [link]

Reinforcement learning

  • openai theory + code: [link]
  • Lil’Log blog: [link]
  • Machine Learning with Phil RL implementations: [link]
  • David Silver lectures: [link]
  • Complete overview of popular RL implementations: [link]